Introducing the Gettalife Project

The GettaLife Project grew out of a special musical celebration and call to be ‘for life’ which was held at Manchester Cathedral to a packed audience on November 1st, 2008. The concert's title: “Real life, Real Soul, Real Gospel”

The Project's first vision and impetus had the particular focus of helping young people involved in the gun culture of the inner city. It has now widened its aims to enable the development of artistic and craft skills for young adults from a variety of backgrounds and contexts, who have a passion and a love of a skill that can be trained to enable a future livelihood.  The Project was registered as a charity with the Charities' Commission in 2009

Introducing the Gettalife Project

Our aim is to offer this gift of a skill that enables joy and self-respect: a life-long ability that is never lost. It is a way to get a life that has meaning and creative purpose for young adults seeking a right path for themselves and for those who may have had to re-consider a new way forward after redundancy or unemployment.

The GettaLife Project charity number: 1131341

Safeguarding Matters

The Gabriel Sisters and our registered Charity, the Gettalife Project, take our duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously.  Please click here to access our Safeguarding Policy which follows the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines.  You will also find contact details for our Designated Safeguarding Person.