The Inspiration for the Gettalife Project

In 2006, Jessie James, aged 15, was gunned down in Manchester’s inner city. His mother asked why the churches were not doing something to save the lives of these young sons.

Three years prior to this agonised cry something was beginning in secret, hidden from view. We believe that this Project may be the beginning of a response to the anguish of the mothers who have lost their sons in this way. The Gospel Requiem project: ‘Don’t take a life: Gettalife’ was born from a spiritual experience within prayer.

The concert was fronted by an emerging Anglican-based Order, the Sisters of Jesus.  This dispersed Community now has a revised focus and name.  Please click on this link to find out more: The Gabriel Sisters. 

Funds have been found to finance the work of an on-going project to make a difference: to offer the gift of a skill worth having: a way to ‘Get a life’, to win respect.  It is looking for people of goodwill who together can begin to change things.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…      

» view the concert programme